WI Resources

  • Halos of the St. Croix Valley

    Contact Person: Jamie Jacobs, Kelli Espiritu

    Email: halosofthestcroixvalley@gmail.com

    Phone Number: 866.411.HALO

    Description of Services: Halos of the St. Croix Valley is a recognized 501(c)(3)non-profit foundation in the State of Wisconsin that provides emotional and financial support to bereaved parents who have lost a child from miscarriage through age 20 and reside in Minnesota or Wisconsin. 

    We don't have a set amount that we assist families with as we try to do things like direct them to lower cost, but still reputable funeral homes, negotiate down bills for them, create and provide items like personalized memorial cards to eliminate printing costs, etc. and then we decide on an amount from there. Many times we can cover a full bill if their child is an infant or younger or they have used a Preferred Funeral Home. However, I've negotiated down plenty of teenagers bills to the point that we can cover a majority of it as well, so the best thing is for a family to apply as soon as possible so that we can get right to work on their behalf!